Owello technical problems : Situation update

Following the switch to the new Owello platform, you may have encountered some difficulties, most of those have now been resolved. Our teams have worked intensively to restore service to the highest level. You will find below the situation to date.

Last updated on 17 June 2024

Actions taken

Responding to your urgent requests

A dedicated line has been set up to ensure immediate response.

Creation of a dedicated unit within OWELLO to guarantee the processing and follow-up of your urgent requests.

Access to
customer areas

Our customer areas are operational. If you encounter any difficulties, you can contact our advisers by telephone, who will be pleased to help you.

Availability of
our advisers

The teams have been reinforced to speed up the processing of requests.

Access to your third-party payment card

For the majority of our policyholders, the “Tiers Payant” cards have been made available in their customer space. For a small number of policyholders, the cards will be made available in the next few weeks.

Downloading your insurance certificates

Insurance certificates are available in the "My documents" tab in your customer area.


All 2023 treatments were reimbursed.

For 2024 treatments, we have reinforced the Owello teams to speed up the processing of claims.

We have improved the display of refunds to make them easier to read and monitor. This work to improve the display (in currency in particular) will continue over the next few weeks to provide you with optimum readability.

You can reach our advisers

By using the messaging system in your

Customer Area

or by phone on + 33 9 72 72 21 20
(Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm UTC+1)

Some answers to your most frequently raised questions

Access to the Owello customer area+

I don't have a login for my Owello account. What should I do ?
Your login is the e-mail address you provided when you signed up for your contract or when you joined.

I'm having trouble logging on to my Owello area.
Please follow the "1st connection" procedure to receive a password recovery link. If the problem persists, please contact us.

Third-party payment card+

How can I access my Tiers Payant card ?
If your contract provides for third-party payment in France, you can find your Owello third-party payment card in the "My documents" / "My third-party payment card" menu in your Owello area.

Insurance certificate+

Where can I find my insurance certificate ?
You can find your insurance certificate in the "My documents" menu in your Owello area.


I have to pay my membership fees but I can't find the online payment module in my customer area.
It is not currently possible to pay your contributions online. Please pay by bank transfer. The bank details can be found on the notice of contribution you received. Your premium calls are available in the customer area in the My contracts menu / Click on View details / Click on + Schedule.


I can't find my history of refund requests loaded on the Malakoff Humanis extranet, is this normal ?
Refund requests made via the Malakoff Humanis extranet and not yet paid are processed by our teams. You can consult them in the My reimbursements menu in your Owello area. There is therefore no need to repeat the request in your Owello customer area.

Request for reimbursement+

What should I do if I have a scheduled hospitalisation ?
Prepare your claim file with all the documents relating to your request for prior agreement, the hospital estimate with the doctors' fees (including extra fees for treatment carried out in France) and the exact contact details of the hospital establishment, the admission department, the date of admission and the planned length of stay.

Submit these documents via your Owello area: Menu "My requests" / "New request" / "Request reimbursement"

1. Once your file has been analysed, you will receive a reply from the medical advisor and the agreement to cover costs will be sent by e-mail to the hospital (and to the policyholder on request).
2. The hospital sends us the invoice once the hospitalisation is over. We pay the invoice directly to the hospital, including any CFE contribution.

What documents do I need to provide for a request for prior authorisation ?
There is no specific form to complete. You simply need to send a medical certificate specifying the type of treatment to be carried out and the cost. If necessary, the medical team will contact you for any further information.